
Willkommen bei „Drift Island - The IRON DRIFT KING Podcast“, deinem direkten Zugang zum besten Drift-Festival: IRON DRIFT KING. Begleite uns, wenn wir hinter die Kulissen blicken, Fahrer und Szenegrössen interviewen und über die neuesten News, Geheimnisse und technischen Hintergründe berichten. Mach dich bereit für eine adrenalingeladene Reise in das Herz des Driftsports!

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New Layout, 6 Judges and new Scoring System?! (EP.08)

New Layout, 6 Judges and new Scoring System?! (EP.08)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop This is a big one! Join us as we dive into the thrilling details of IRON DRIFT KING 2024 with Marcel. This year, we have an exciting new layout,...

Who is the Drifter behind Drift Games? (EP.07)

Who is the Drifter behind Drift Games? (EP.07)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop Dave is a jack-of-all-trades, omnipresent, and has been a staple in the drift sport for years, yet never quite where he truly longs to be: behin...

Olof Eriksson - The Drift Scientist! (EP.06)

Olof Eriksson - The Drift Scientist! (EP.06)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop He is trusted by professionals like Fredric Aasbø, Rome Charpentier or Max Heidrich - and the Swede is now also receiving calls from Poland, Fin...

How to save drifting in Germany? (EP.05)

How to save drifting in Germany? (EP.05)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop Motorsport country Germany but not drift country Germany? This time we spoke to Franz Simon about sponsorship, mindset and the German market. Yo...

Your favorite drifters favorite drift event? (EP.04)

Your favorite drifters favorite drift event? (EP.04)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop This time we talk to Finnish drifter Krisse Alto about emotions and impressions from a driver's perspective and Krisse provides intimate insight...

EUROPE vs. USA: Clash of cultures or progress? (EP.03)

EUROPE vs. USA: Clash of cultures or progress? (EP.03)

presented by: PARTS33 - Motorsport & Tuning Shop What do we do differently in Europe? What makes the European scene different from that in the USA and South America? In this episode we get to t...